Saturday, 14 October 2017

Tsx Mobile Media

Le restrizioni Globe and Mail copiare Thomson Reuters 2012. Tutti i diritti riservati. Ripubblicazione o la ridistribuzione dei contenuti Thomson Reuters, anche framing o mezzi simili, è vietato senza il previo consenso scritto di Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters non è responsabile per eventuali errori o ritardi nel contenuto Thomson Reuters, o per le decisioni assunte in base a tale contenuto. Thomson Reuters e il logo Thomson Reuters sono marchi commerciali di Thomson Reuters e le sue società affiliate. Globe investitore è parte del globo e Mails Relazione sui dati commerciali selezionati forniti da Thomson Reuters. copy Thomson Reuters Limited. Clicca per restrizioni. Copyright 2017 The Globe and Mail Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. 351 King Street Oriente. Suite 1600. Toronto. ON Canada M5A 0N1 Phillip Crawley, PublisherThe Globe and Mail Aperto 16.45 chiusura precedente 16.45 Alta 16.48 Basso 16.34 Rilancio Chiedi aggiornamento in tempo reale quotazioni Nuovo per il 2014, dati sui prezzi per le società quotate sul TSX e TSX Venture viene aggiornata in tempo reale per Globe abbonati illimitati. Fare clic o toccare ora di saperne di più su Globe illimitato. Aggiornamento in tempo reale quotazioni di borsa di New per il 2014, dati sui prezzi per le società quotate sul TSX e TSX Venture viene aggiornato in tempo reale per gli abbonati Globe illimitati. Fare clic o toccare ora di saperne di più su Globe illimitato. 72.753 Volume medio (10 giorni) 163.504 media del volume (1 mese) 214.778 Volume medio (3 mesi) 250.796 52 settimane gamma 14,60-17,37 Beta - Trailing PE negativo, non significativo PE 1 anno avanti negativa, non significativo in avanti PEG negativo, non significativo indicato il dividendo su base annua 0,82 Dividend yield 5,02 EPS Trailing - aggiornamento 24 febbraio 03:59 EST. Un ritardo di almeno 15 minuti. iShares SPTSX Capped Index Fund REIT, precedentemente iShares CDN SPTSX Capped REIT Index Fund, si propone di fornire una crescita del capitale a lungo termine replicando, per quanto possibile, la performance del SampPTSX Capped REIT Index (l'Indice) attraverso investimenti in emittenti costituenti di tale indice. L'indice è composto da titoli di canadesi fondi comuni di investimento immobiliare (REIT) quotate alla Borsa di Toronto (TSX), selezionati da amplificatore standard Poors (SampP) utilizzando le classificazioni industriali e le linee guida per la valutazione dell'emittente capitalizzazione, liquidità e fondamentali. Il Fondo è gestito da BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited. Dipendenti a tempo pieno Restrizioni copiare Thomson Reuters 2012. Tutti i diritti riservati. Ripubblicazione o la ridistribuzione dei contenuti Thomson Reuters, anche framing o mezzi simili, è vietato senza il previo consenso scritto di Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters non è responsabile per eventuali errori o ritardi nel contenuto Thomson Reuters, o per le decisioni assunte in base a tale contenuto. Thomson Reuters e il logo Thomson Reuters sono marchi commerciali di Thomson Reuters e le sue società affiliate. Globe investitore è parte del globo e Mails Relazione sui dati commerciali selezionati forniti da Thomson Reuters. copy Thomson Reuters Limited. Clicca per restrizioni. Copyright 2017 The Globe and Mail Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. 351 King Street Oriente. Suite 1600. Toronto. ON Canada M5A 0N1 Phillip Crawley, Publisher2010 Acura TSX Già nel suo modello di seconda generazione, il TSX sta entrando nel model year 2010 con importanti miglioramenti - tra cui un motore V-6 disponibili. Con prezzi che vanno da 29.310 per il TSX, o 32.410 per il TSX con la tecnologia pacchetto, TSX compete con veicoli come la A4 2.0T, 328i, IS 250 e C300. Il V6 TSX con un prezzo di 34.850 o 37.950 per il TSX V-6 con tecnologia pacchetto si rivolge modelli come Audi A4 3.2, BMW 335i, e Lexus IS 350. Per il 2010, i clienti potranno possono scegliere tra due diverse motorizzazioni: un 3.5 L SOHC V-6 che sviluppa 280 CV e 254 Nm di coppia o di un 2,4 litro motore a quattro cilindri che sviluppa un totale di 201 CV e 172 Nm di coppia. Il motore a quattro cilindri hanno una scelta di due stili di trasmissione come equipaggiamento standard - un manuale a 6 marce con rapporti ravvicinati o un SportShift sequenziale automatico a 5 marce, mentre il V6 dispone di un cambio automatico sofisticato sequenziale SportShift a 5 marce che può essere azionato manualmente tramite al volante da corsa ispirato levette. I 2010 TSX dotato di un corpo largo e muscoloso, che si traduce in maneggevolezza e prestazioni eccezionali. Il corpo ampio (72,4 pollici), passo lungo (106,4 pollici) e la lunghezza complessiva (185,6 pollici) danno l'eccellente qualità di guida TSX e un ampio spazio interno per i passeggeri. Il TSX utilizza dual-mode ammortizzatori delle sospensioni Showa, che forniscono caratteristiche di smorzamento delle sospensioni superiori ad entrambe le velocità degli ammortizzatori inferiori e superiori. Il TSX impiega Electric Power Steering (EPS) che fornisce input preciso durante la guida sportiva. Comunicato stampa dopo il salto. La Acura TSX berlina sportiva è un nuovissimo, design pulito foglio per il 2009. Il miglioramento è venuto in quasi tutte le categorie tra cui un nuovo design esterno audace, ha aggiunto i parametri interni e dinamica di guida. La seconda generazione TSX è stato ben ricevuto dai clienti e la stampa automobilistica, ottenendo premi e rompendo i record di vendita. Per il 2010, il TSX riceve importanti miglioramenti - tra cui un motore V-6 disponibili. Mentre il TSX con 2.4L I-4 motore produce guida grintosa, ingegneri TSX vogliono spingere la busta prestazioni con un pacchetto a disposizione V-6 che offre sostanzialmente più potenza e maneggevolezza sportiva accoppiato con ruote e pneumatici di grandi dimensioni. Il nuovo pacchetto V-6 accentua ulteriormente il carattere di guida sportiva TSX8217s che è diventato un marchio di fabbrica Acura. Con due scelte powertrain distinti per il 2010, il TSX offre appello aggiunto agli acquirenti in considerazione un nuovo veicolo all'interno del segmento Entry Premium. IL MERCATO PREMIUM voce con un punto di prezzo in genere in alta 20.000 a 30.000 gamma bassa, il segmento premiumquot berlina quotentry rappresenta la porta d'ingresso a più di una dozzina di case automobilistiche. I clienti troveranno la Acura TSX posizionato a fianco della Audi A4, BMW Serie 3, Infiniti G, Lexus IS e Mercedes-Benz C-class. Con l'entrata di un marchio di lusso arriva alte aspettative e il TSX - insieme alla pluripremiata esperienza concessionaria Acura - è pronta a soddisfare tutti. Per il 2010, il nuovo TSX V-6 solleva ulteriormente la barra di prestazioni per coloro che cercano per una migliore accelerazione e maneggevolezza. Mentre il TSX con 2.4L I-4 compete con veicoli come la A4 2.0T, 328i, IS 250 e C300, i TSX V-6 Obiettivi ancora più prestazioni mentalità berline di lusso di entrata. Il TSX V-6 è un forte considerazione per i clienti che acquisteranno l'Audi A4 3.2, BMW 335i, e Lexus IS 350. Il cliente target 2010 TSX è disegnato per attrarre giovani professionisti che sono precedenti proprietari TSX, conquiste di altri marchi di lusso come Audi, BMW e Lexus. così come per i clienti il ​​cui reddito e gusti si stanno muovendo di alto livello. Demografico, gli acquirenti TSX raggiungerà un valore compreso in età da 28 a 34 anni e in possesso di un diploma di laurea. Questi clienti sono divisi quasi equamente tra maschi e femmine, e poco meno della metà sono sposati. Sono in cerca di immagini e potranno apprezzare lo stile, fascino tecnico e prestazionale totale che il TSX offre - mentre anche valorizzando l'eccezionale trattamento cliente che i proprietari sono venuti a godere presso i concessionari Acura. L'acquirente per il nuovo TSX V-6 dovrebbe essere più anziani (circa 38 anni) che l'acquirente TSX, 80 per cento di sesso maschile, il 60 per cento sposato, con un reddito familiare di circa 110.000. Rimanendo lo stesso è che l'acquirente TSX V-6 sarà estremamente marchio cosciente ed eclettico nei loro gusti e interessi. Con l'introduzione di un TSX V-6 a motore, Acura riempirà una nicchia nella sua fila tra il quattro cilindri TSX e la nuova berlina di lusso prestazioni TL. Con il TL muoversi più raffinato successivo alla riprogettazione per l'anno modello 2009, TSX V-6 sarà indirizzato a giovani acquirenti che vogliono una performance-oriented berlina sportiva in una dimensione più personale. MOTORE amp POWERTRAIN Con l'introduzione di un TSX V-6 a motore, Acura riempirà una nicchia nella sua fila tra il quattro cilindri TSX e la nuova berlina di lusso prestazioni TL. Ora disponibile per i 2010 TSX è un nuovo 3.5L SOHC V-6 che sviluppa 280 cavalli e 254 Nm di coppia. Il V-6 offre controllo valvetrain VTECreg, un elevato 11.2: 1 rapporto di compressione e di un sistema di induzione doppio stadio contenuto all'interno di un leggero collettore di aspirazione magnesio. Il V-6 è stato ottimizzato per fornire una curva di coppia lineare, con l'accento sulla gamma di regimi più comunemente usato per il giorno per giorno di guida. Il nuovo 3.5L V-6 è conforme California8217s rigorosi CARB LEV II ULEV certificazione delle emissioni e ha raggiunto un EPA stima 18 mpg nella guida in città e 27 mpg sulla strada. prestazioni sportive, l'efficienza del carburante e basse emissioni sono le caratteristiche del 2010 TSX8217s interamente in alluminio DOHC i-VTECreg linea motore a quattro cilindri. Una cilindrata di 2,4 litri e produce 201 CV e 172 Nm di coppia (6MT), il motore eroga la potenza utilizzabile attraverso un'ampia gamma di regimi, mentre la curva di coppia ampia rafforza ulteriormente le engine8217s tirando di potenza a livelli di regime intermedio. In questo modo i 2010 TSX ad essere reattivo fuori dalla linea, in uscita di curva e nei sorpassi altri veicoli. Le prestazioni e la flessibilità del 2.4L I-4 è accreditato ad elevato rapporto di compressione, fasatura efficiente, e una presa flusso elevato e sistema di scarico. Ulteriore merito va anche ai TSX8217s i-VTECreg sistema di controllo della valvola quotintelligentquot. Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control (VTECreg) si combina con fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade), per fornire top-of-classe di potenza. Allo stesso modo, un layout collettore di scarico montato posteriormente, un progetto catalizzatore monoblocco ed una iniezione elettronica del carburante (PGM-FI) Sistema di ridurre sostanzialmente i livelli di emissioni, consentendo i 2010 TSX per incontrare il EPA Tier 2 - BIN 5 e CARB LEV II Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard Ultra. clienti TSX che scelgono il motore a quattro cilindri spirito hanno una scelta di due stili di trasmissione come equipaggiamento standard - un manuale a 6 marce con rapporti ravvicinati o sequenziale SportShift 5 marce automatico. Il cambio manuale dotato di un shifter di corto-getto con una precisa azione luce che lo rende altamente gratificante da usare, e il suo case in alluminio riduce la massa del veicolo per migliorare le prestazioni elevate ed efficienza. Il nuovo TSX V-6 dispone di un sofisticato cambio automatico sequenziale SportShift a 5 marce che può essere azionato manualmente tramite al volante da corsa ispirato levette. Lo spostamento liscio automatica è inoltre dotato di funzioni intelligenti come Grade Logic Control e Shift Tenere controllo, che rendono la guida TSX su strade collinari o tortuose più piacevole. CORPO amp TELAIO I 2010 TSX dotato di un corpo largo e muscoloso, che si traduce in maneggevolezza e prestazioni eccezionali. Il corpo ampio (72,4 pollici), passo lungo (106,4 pollici) e la lunghezza complessiva (185,6 pollici) danno l'eccellente qualità di guida TSX e un ampio spazio interno per i passeggeri. Il centro di rollio alto aiuta a ridurre il rollio in curva per un'esperienza di guida più sportiva. Il TSX utilizza dual-mode ammortizzatori delle sospensioni Showa, che forniscono caratteristiche di smorzamento delle sospensioni superiori ad entrambe le velocità degli ammortizzatori inferiori e superiori. Il TSX impiega Electric Power Steering (EPS) che fornisce input preciso durante la guida sportiva. Tecniche avanzate nella progettazione e nella costruzione del corpo, come l'uso della struttura del tetto cross-rinforzato e una forte paratia posteriore, producono una struttura molto rigida e resistente alle vibrazioni. sartoria aerodinamico incluso l'uso di dentro longheroni, completo sartoriale aerodinamico sotto la macchina, e l'uso di A, B e C separatori pilastro - che danno TSX una cabina tranquilla anche su strade dissestate e ad alta velocità. Il TSX8217s aerodinamica sdrucciolevole aiuta anche il risparmio di carburante così come la stabilità ad alta velocità, il tutto riducendo al contempo le emissioni. Funzionalità e raffinatezza, lusso e stile convergono all'interno dei 2010 Acura TSX. Caratterizzato da un mix di forme radicali, un elevato livello di comfort e convenienza caratteristiche standard, diffuso utilizzo di materiali di alta qualità e una tecnologia di pacchetto disponibili, TSX berlina sportiva offre un lusso, interni moderni che i clienti si aspettano da Acura. Le prime impressioni sono potenti, e uno sguardo iniziale all'interno del TSX rivela molto circa il suo carattere. Dalle precisione artigianale soglie delle porte in metallo per gli accenti finitura satinata-metal, dai nuovi sedili rivestiti in pelle per il volante comandi montati, e dal premio 7 altoparlanti sistema audio per il bi-zona climatizzatore automatico, il TSX rappresenta una fusione di design intelligente e l'innovazione. connettività Bluetoothreg è di serie e comprende HandsFreeLinkreg interfaccia telefono cellulare che rende la comunicazione più facile durante il viaggio. Il design Keen-Edge TSX8217s si sposa perfettamente con la sua gamma di funzioni elettroniche in un modo che rende l'esperienza di guida più soddisfacente. Aggiungendo alla lista già impressionante di attrezzatura standard TSX è la tecnologia pacchetto a disposizione, che setole con elettronica all'avanguardia che rendono la guida ancora più efficiente e piacevole. Il sistema di navigazione Acura con Voice Recognitiontrade, AcuraLink tempo reale Traffictrade e AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade, e molto utile sistema di comunicazione satellitare AcuraLinkreg sono i centri del pacchetto tecnologico. Il sistema di navigazione è dotato di continuo aggiornamento mappe stradali che copre 77 principali mercati metropolitani, e offre traffico Reroutingtrade per navigare intorno rallentamenti. È disponibile anche un sistema audio premium a 10 altoparlanti messo a punto da ingegnere del suono e produttore leggendario Elliot Scheiner. Il AcuraELS Surroundreg Sistema Audio Premium 10-oratore include una funzione nota per XMreg Radio che lo rende facile identificare le canzoni di richiamare in un secondo momento. Con pressione di un pulsante, la funzione di nota in grado di catturare 10 secondi ciascuno fino a 30 canzoni, insieme con il testo che indica il titolo della canzone, il nome dell'artista e il canale XMreg. Fornendo una serie di funzioni di sicurezza avanzate è tra le più alte priorità dei 2010 Acura TSX. Ad aprire la strada è la struttura della carrozzeria TSX8217s nuovo Advanced Compatibility Engineeringtrade (ACEtrade). ACEtrade migliora la dispersione di energia d'urto frontale con strutture a telaio portante che meglio corrispondono al TSX con altri veicoli di diverse dimensioni e con diverse altezze paraurti. In poche parole, ACEtrade massimizza l'efficacia delle TSX8217s zone di deformazione anteriori, meglio disperdere le forze d'urto prima che raggiungano l'abitacolo. Contribuire alla performance di sicurezza dei 2010 TSX è una vasta gamma di funzionalità di sicurezza passiva, tra cui sei airbag (doppio stadio, airbag frontali a due soglie, i nuovi airbag laterali dei sedili anteriori a doppia camera, e airbag laterali a tendina per i posti laterali) . cinture di sicurezza a tre punti e poggiatesta sono forniti in tutti i posti a sedere, e il guidatore e il passeggero anteriore TSX sono ulteriormente protette da limitatori di carico delle cinture di sicurezza anteriori con sistema di tensionamento automatico integrato, oltre a poggiatesta anteriori attivi. Il sedile posteriore è dotato di una minore Ancore e attacchi per il sistema di bambini (LATCH) che consente l'apposizione sicuro e rapido di un massimo di due seggiolini per bambini. Caratteristiche esterne progettate per migliorare ulteriormente la sicurezza includono luci diurne (DRL), tecnologie di mitigazione lesioni dei pedoni, come un pannello cappuccio deformabile, cappa cerniere e perni parabrezza-tergicristallo. I 2010 Acura TSX raggiunge i voti più alti in entrambi i governo (NHTSA) e (IIHS) crash test indipendenti - tra cui PICK IIHS8217s massima sicurezza. Il cambiamento più significativo alla TSX per il 2010 è la disponibilità di un nuovissimo motore V-6. Per la prima volta, il TSX sarà disponibile con un 3,5 litri interamente in alluminio V-6 motore montato trasversalmente con singole teste cilindri a camme in testa (SOHC). Le 12 valvole di aspirazione sono azionati da Acura8217s acclamato VTECreg (Variable Valve Timing e controllo elettronico ascensore) del sistema. Il motore compatto ed efficiente V-6 produce 280 cavalli e 254 libra-ft di coppia. La curva di potenza è appositamente studiata per fornire forte, lineare di potenza nella gamma di giri utilizzato nella maggior parte delle condizioni di guida giorno per giorno. Per il 2010, il-VTECreg i motori quattro cilindri in linea DOHC da 2,4 litri rimane come il motore standard. Il motore offre una buona accelerazione, mentre la generazione efficienza di combustibile eccellente. L'avanzato, interamente in alluminio, I-4 motore produce 201 CV e 172 libbra-piedi di coppia (6MT), e incorpora il sistema di controllo della valvola quotintelligentquot Acura8217s i-VTECreg che dispone di Variable Valve Timing e Lift Electronic Control (VTECreg) in combinazione con fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade). Anche se di picco di potenza è praticamente invariato rispetto al motore 2.4L generazione precedente, uscita coppia massima è aumentata di 8 lb-ft. Inoltre, la curva di coppia engine8217s ha ingrassati considerevolmente. Potenza, per esempio, è il cinque per cento a 4.400 rpm. Il risultato è una risposta del gas più forte e migliore accelerazione un po 'ovunque nel raggio di azione engine8217s. Per raggiungere questi guadagni di potenza, il motore ha un alto rapporto di compressione, nuova fasatura e aspirazione e il flusso di scarico miglioramenti. Un alluminio e resina composita collettore di aspirazione riduce il peso rispetto alla chiusura di design in alluminio I-48217s, mentre meglio isolare il flusso d'aria in entrata engine8217s dal calore sotto-cappuccio. Un layout dell'impianto di scarico montato posteriormente, monoblocco catalizzatore e avanzata programmata iniezione (PGM-FI) squadra per aiutare sia il 4 cilindri e V-6 motori incontrare EPA 2 - Bin 5 e CARB LEV II veicolo Ultra Low Emission norme. Il TSX con 2.4L I-4 il motore 2010 è con una scelta di due trasmissioni ndash un primo rapporto di 6-velocità di trasmissione manuale standard o un sequenziale SportShift cambio automatico a 5 marce. Il cambio manuale ha un leggero case in lega di alluminio e multi-cono sincronizzatori che forniscono una luce, azione rapida con brevissimo spostamento getta. Per fornire maggiori guida grintosa, la trasmissione manuale include rapporti del cambio di prestazioni di mente per massimizzare l'accelerazione durante la guida grintosa. Il sequenziale SportShift 5 marce automatico ha un cancello spostamento rettilineo in stile con Drive e Sport posizioni che garantiscono il funzionamento completamente automatico. A discrezione driver8217s, il cambio automatico può essere spostata manualmente tramite volante levette montate. Grade Logic e Maiusc attesa lavoro di controllo in modalità automatica per mantenere la trasmissione in marcia that8217s ideale per la situazione di guida. migliorare ulteriormente le prestazioni e la guidabilità è un assemblaggio di lock-up del convertitore di coppia rivisto. 100.000 miglia intervalli di tune-up e un sistema di manutenzione Mindertrade standard, che controlla automaticamente la condizione di funzionamento unico vehicle8217s per indicare al conducente quando è necessaria la manutenzione, contribuirà a ridurre il costo di proprietà. Il sistema di manutenzione Mindertrade è stato progettato per garantire che le questioni di servizio importanti sono affrontate in maniera tempestiva, ed eliminare le procedure di manutenzione non necessarie per contribuire a ridurre l'impatto ambientale e le spese operative. TSX Powertrain A colpo d'occhio da 3,5 litri, SOHC, sistema con leggero VTECreg V-6 motore che genera 280 CV a 6.200 giri e 254 Nm di coppia a 5.000 giri Variable Valve Timing e Lift Electronic Control (VTECreg) a doppio stadio di induzione l'assunzione di magnesio collettore di drive-by-Wiretrade sistema della valvola a farfalla controllato da computer programmata iniezione (PGM-FI) diretto accensione Manutenzione del sistema Mindertrade sistema intervalli di tune-up di 100.000 miglia (può variare con le condizioni di guida) EPA stima chilometraggio: 182.721 mpg (cityhighwaycombined, 5AT ) EPA TIER 2 ndash BIN 5, le norme sulle emissioni CARB LEV II ULEV I-4 motore 2.4 litri, DOHC, i-VTECreg motore a quattro cilindri genera 201 CV a 7.000 giri con 172 Nm di coppia a 4,300-4,400 rpm ( MT) 170 Nm di coppia a 4,300-4,500 rpm (AT) pistoni in lega leggera e ad alta resistenza bielle alberi doppi equilibrio per eccezionale scorrevolezza i-VTECreg ldquointelligentrdquo sistema di valvole di controllo combina fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade) con VTECreg Computer - controllato iniezione programmata (PGM-FI) sistema di accensione Direct drive-by-Wiretrade sistema della valvola a farfalla 100.000 miglia tune-up intervallo di distanza in miglia di EPA stimato: 202823 mpg (cityhighwaycombined, 6 MT) EPA chilometraggio stimato: 213.024 mpg (cityhighwaycombined, 5 AT) EPA TIER 2 ndash BIN 5, CARB LEV II ULEV standard di emissioni BLOCCO mOTORE Il 3.5 litri V-6 motore TSX8217s utilizza un intrinsecamente liscia in esecuzione di 60 gradi V-angolo. Il blocco motore è realizzato in alluminio pressofuso leggero e usa fodere di ferro a pareti sottili che sono fatti in un processo di spin-colata centrifuga che garantisce elevata resistenza e bassa porosità. La superficie esterna ruvida di questi rivestimenti rende un legame efficace con il blocco di alluminio, migliorando blocco rigidità e trasferimento di calore dai canne cilindri al blocco. Il blocco cilindri da 3,5 litri è trattato termicamente per resistenza e ha disegni profondo-gonna con quattro bulloni per il coperchio (che fornisce un eccellente supporto strutturale per l'albero motore), riducendo così al minimo il rumore del motore e le vibrazioni. Il 2.4L I-4 utilizza un blocco cilindri pressofuso leggero alluminio con processo centrifugo gettato in canne dei cilindri di ferro che sono realizzati con un unico giro di colata,. Per ottenere la massima rigidità e minimo rumore e le vibrazioni, il blocco cilindri è un disegno in 2 pezzi che supporta i cinque cuscinetti di banco con un singolo gruppo di bed-plate fuso in lega. CRANKSHAFTCONNECTING RODSPISTONS Il motore da 3,5 litri utilizza un robusto albero a gomiti in acciaio forgiato per alta resistenza e peso minimo. alluminio forgiato 11.2: 1 pistoni vengono utilizzati e sono raffreddati con olio spray diretto fino alla parte inferiore del cielo dei pistoni, rendendo possibile l'elevato rapporto di compressione. Le bielle sono fucinati per alta resistenza, e sono ldquocrack separati, rdquo un unico processo in cui i cappelli dei cuscinetti sono spezzate dallo stelo piuttosto che lavorati separatamente. Questo processo forma un, biella più leggero più forte con superfici di accoppiamento perfetto. Il quattro cilindri utilizza un albero a gomiti in acciaio forgiato ad alta resistenza con riviste micro-lucidati per contribuire a ridurre l'attrito e migliorare la durata a lungo termine. Alta compressione 11: 1 pistoni in lega usano anelli speciali a basso attrito per ridurre le perdite di potenza. TESTATA valvetrain Il motore da 3,5 litri ha testate in alluminio leggeri che sono pressofuso per alta precisione e bassa porosità. Per ridurre il peso e ridurre il numero di parti, queste testate hanno colate di scarico porte integrati che forniscono il posizionamento ottimale per monoblocco uno converters - catalitico per ogni bancata. risultati questo disegno in più rapida offrdquo ldquolight dei convertitori catalitici per la riduzione delle emissioni durante il freddo di start-up. Le testate sono sigillati al blocco con uno speciale spessore tipo guarnizione di testa a 3 strati. Il 2.4L I-4 testata è realizzata in lega di alluminio pressofuso e dotato di quattro valvole per cilindro azionate da alberi a camme doppio (DOHC). Le camme sono azionati da una catena silenziosa tipo regolata automaticamente. Il sistema a catena è esente da manutenzione e corre in bagno d'olio per la massima durata. Le camere di combustione hanno grandi aree quotquenchquot per promuovere la propagazione della fiamma più veloce e più completa la combustione, contribuendo così a ridurre il monossido di carbonio (CO) e le emissioni allo scarico di idrocarburi (HC). Le grandi valvole di aspirazione e di scarico insieme con porte ad alto flusso contribuiscono ad eccellente respirazione del motore. Inoltre, un elevato rapporto di compressione di 11,0: 1 è un contributo significativo per l'uscita di coppia TSX8217s. SISTEMA DI CONTROLLO VTECreg VALVOLA Il 3.5 litri V-6 motore utilizza la fasatura variabile e sistema di controllo elettronico (VTECreg), che fornisce una forte coppia ai bassi regimi, risposta all'acceleratore croccante e una maggiore potenza agli alti regimi di risalita. Ciò si ottiene prevedendo ridotta alzata valvole di aspirazione e durata a bassi regimi per una buona coppia, con maggiore alzata delle valvole e durata a velocità più elevate per potenza ottimale. Con il sistema VTECreg, entrambe le valvole di aspirazione sono controllati da un unico albero a camme lobo bassa velocità. Sul V-6, a 4.750 rpm modulo comando motopropulsore (PCM) attiva elettronicamente l'apertura di una valvola a cassetto che instrada pressurizzato olio pistoncini all'interno dei bilancieri delle valvole di aspirazione. Mosso da questo olio in pressione, questi pistoni blocco insieme ogni cylinder8217s bilancieri di aspirazione, che poi seguono all'unisono un singolo-alta portanza, di lunga durata lobo. L'assunzione di alzata delle valvole e la durata di apertura vengono regolati in base alla velocità del motore, con conseguente un'ampia curva di coppia e potenza superiori a regime di picco. Il 2.4L I-4 motore dotato di sistema di controllo della valvola quotintelligentquot Acura8217s i-VTECreg. Caratterizzato fasatura variabile delle valvole e di sollevamento di controllo elettronico (VTECreg) in combinazione con fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade). Un disegno brevettato VTECreg utilizza tre ridotto spessore bilancieri alluminio che operano una coppia di valvole per ogni cilindro. A bassi regimi, le valvole di aspirazione seguono basso-lift, i profili degli alberi a camme durata breve per contribuire a rafforzare coppia ai bassi regimi. Sopra 5.000 giri, le valvole sono azionate da alta ascensore, di lunga durata profili degli alberi a camme per la massima potenza agli alti regimi. Per perfezionare ulteriormente l'operazione di I-48217s, il motore è dotato di un elemento che aggiunge ldquointelligentrdquo fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade) per VTECreg che fornisce, controllati dal computer fasatura a variazione continua. In totale, il sistema I-48217s i-VTECreg fornisce prestazioni, efficienza e di emissioni benefici, consentendo l'alzata delle valvole di aspirazione e fasatura delle valvole per regolare continuamente per soddisfare le engine8217s operativi parametri. Variabile di controllo Timing Con il motore da 2,4 litri, fasatura dell'albero a camme di aspirazione è regolata in modo continuo in base alle condizioni di funzionamento del motore tramite un sistema chiamato fasatura variabile Controltrade (VTCtrade). Una parte integrante del sistema i-VTECreg, il VTCtrade migliora la potenza, risparmio di carburante e le emissioni di prestazioni con il suo controllo preciso della fasatura delle camme. posizione albero a camme, pressione nel collettore di aspirazione e giri motore sono simultaneamente controllati dalla centralina motopropulsore (PCM), che poi comanda un attuatore VTCtrade anticipare o ritardare il tempo di aspirazione camme. L'albero a camme di aspirazione è quasi completamente ritardato al minimo per fornire al minimo più stabile ed emissioni ridotte di idrocarburi (HC). Come giri del motore si basa, l'albero a camme di aspirazione è progressivamente avanzato in modo che le valvole di aspirazione aperte aumenta presto e sovrapposizione della valvola. Tale operazione riduce le perdite di pompaggio, che aumenta il risparmio di carburante e riduce ulteriormente le emissioni di scarico a causa della creazione di un effetto di ricircolo dei gas di scarico interna. Il sistema di induzione 3.5L V-6 dispone di un collettore di aspirazione a doppio stadio realizzato in lega di magnesio leggera. Il collettore collabora con VTECreg per migliorare la coppia ai bassi regimi senza sacrificare la potenza agli alti regimi. Diviso in due banche che alimentano tre cilindri per bancata, il collettore è dotato di due valvole a farfalla modulo controllata Powertrain di controllo situati tra ciascuna banca. Queste valvole sono chiuse a bassa velocità del motore, che riduce il volume operativo del plenum e aumenta la lunghezza effettiva dei passaggi di ingresso. Il risultato è massimo effetto di risonanza e amplificazione delle onde di pressione all'interno di ciascuna metà del collettore a bassi regimi, aumentando notevolmente il riempimento dei cilindri e bassa coppia rpm. Le estremità aperte delle corridori aspirazione sono svasate in una forma ldquotrumpetrdquo (come su motori da competizione) per migliorare ulteriormente il flusso d'aria. A 3.950 rpm le valvole a farfalla aperta, che collegano le due metà del collettore, aumentando il suo volume efficace e aumentando la massa d'aria che scorrono giù ogni passaggio di aspirazione. L'inerzia di questo aumento delle forze di massa d'aria più carica in ogni cilindro per un migliore riempimento dei cilindri, aumentando la potenza agli alti regimi. Le due modalità manifold8217s integrano ulteriormente le variazioni di bassa e alta velocità di funzionamento reso possibile dal sistema VTECreg. L'I-4 sistema di induzione 2.4L è progettato per alta portata e per creare un suono aggressivo. Il disegno ingresso permette l'aria ambiente per essere prelevati nella parte anteriore del veicolo, e quindi instradato se un gruppo filtro aria ad alta portata. Il collettore di aspirazione in materiale plastico leggero solo stadio ha corridori di aspirazione che sono sintonizzati in lunghezza, diametro e la forma di fornire una miscela ottimale di coppia ai bassi regimi e una risposta agli alti regimi lunghezza fissa-. Il nuovo collettore incorpora 48 mm corridori di aspirazione con una valvola a farfalla-corpo in alluminio ad alto flusso. INIEZIONE programmata (PGM-FI) programmata iniezione (PGM-FI) utilizza una serie di sensori di monitorare costantemente un certo numero di variabili operative critiche, compresa la posizione della valvola a farfalla, temperatura dell'aria di aspirazione, la temperatura dell'acqua, la pressione dell'aria ambiente (altitudine), aria flusso, airfuel rapporto, insieme con la posizione del motore e gli alberi a camme. iniettori stile vaporizzato altamente ridurre la dimensione tipica delle goccioline di combustibile, che migliora airfuel atomizzazione e propagazione della fiamma all'interno delle camere di combustione. Iniettori multiforo speciali iniettori multi-foro montato nel collettore di aspirazione più bassa spruzzare direttamente verso i condotti di aspirazione. Il design degli iniettori multi-foro significa che la dimensione delle gocce di carburante è ridotto per una migliore atomizzazione del carburante, con conseguente miglioramento della stagione fredda di start-up, una migliore economia di carburante e maggiore potenza. DRIVE-BY-WIRE SISTEMA GAS Al posto di un convenzionale tiranteria dell'acceleratore meccanico, TSX utilizza un sistema della valvola a farfalla drive-by-Wiretrade. Il risultato è più preciso e dell'acceleratore preciso, insieme con il peso ridotto e meno ingombro sotto il cofano. Un motore DC controlla la posizione valvola a farfalla-corpo nel tratto di aspirazione. Questo permette al rapporto tra movimento del pedale e il movimento della valvola a farfalla che deve essere modificato per adattarsi alle condizioni di guida. I monitor sistema d'accelerazione posizione del pedale, posizione valvola a farfalla, velocità di marcia, la velocità del motore e la depressione del motore. Questa informazione viene utilizzata per definire la sensibilità comando dell'acceleratore. Il sistema altera anche la risposta in base alla pendenza della strada calcolato, fornendo più throttle gain in salita e in discesa meno, e riduce anche variazioni del peso su strade tortuose per rendere la vettura più facile da controllare. Il sistema della valvola a farfalla drive-by-Wiretrade funziona con il sequenziale SportShift cambio automatico a 5 velocità per fare turni veloce e semplice. Con il coordinamento di apertura della farfalla e le transmission8217s funzioni di spostamento, scossa del cambio e il ritardo sono ridotte. SISTEMA DI AVVIAMENTO ONE-TOUCH (TSX-V 6) Un TSX adatta con 3,5 litri V-6 dispone di un antipasto con più potenza per avviare il motore più grande. Inoltre, il TSX V-6 ha un sistema di avviamento a un tocco che mantiene automaticamente impegno avviamento fino all'avviamento del motore. Il driver TSX attiva semplicemente l'interruttore di avviamento, una volta girando la chiave e non ha bisogno di tenere premuto l'interruttore in posizione di avviamento. Quando il motore V-6 viene avviato, il sistema one-touch disinnesta automaticamente lo starter. SISTEMA DI SCARICO Il TSX 3.5 litri V-6 ha collettori di scarico che vengono gettati direttamente nelle testate dei cilindri di peso ridotto, parti contare e di massa. In allegato direttamente alle teste cilindri sono convertitori catalitici ad alta efficienza. A causa della maggiore vicinanza del normale per le valvole di scarico, convertitori catalitici monoblocco ldquolight offrdquo molto rapidamente dopo l'avvio del motore, riducendo le emissioni durante la modalità di avvio critico. Per garantire un flusso ottimale e bassa contropressione, un idroformato due in-un collettore collega i convertitori catalitici monoblocco al convertitore principale sotto-pavimento catalitica. A valle del convertitore a pavimento, il motore V-6 ha un unico tubo che alimenta ad una coppia di risonatori, seguita da una scissione tubo che collega ad una coppia di silenziatori ad alta portata fit con punte di scarico rotondi. Con il V-6, il sistema di scarico è sintonizzato per offrire una più sportiva, nota di scappamento più aggressivo che con il 2.4L I-4. Per aiutare la coppia del motore di spinta, il 2.4L I-4 ha un alto flusso, sistema di scarico a bassa contropressione. dimensioni dei tubi di grande diametro in tutto l'aumento del flusso di scarico al di là del catalizzatore sotto il pavimento, il sistema di scarico passa attraverso una precamera sotto il pavimento della seconda fila, e poi divide appena dietro l'asse posteriore per alimentare a flusso libero doppio silenziatori e punte di scarico cromati. Controllo delle emissioni I 2010 TSX è compatibile con il California Air Resources Board (CARB) LEV II ULEV standard, che è uno dei più difficili normative sulle emissioni negli Stati Uniti. Il TSX raggiunge anche EPA TIER 2 - BIN conformità 5 sulle emissioni. Acura8217s advanced technologies contributing to this performance are the close-coupled catalytic converters which light-off quickly on start-up, an increased amount of EGR gas recirculated into the engine, and an advanced 32-bit RISC microprocessor within the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) that boosts computing power to improve the precision of fuel and spark delivery at all engine speeds and conditions. Particularly in the critical post-startup mode, the high-efficiency multi-hole fuel injectors deliver better fuel atomization for lower emissions. Both TSX engines feature Programmed Fuel Injection (PGM-FI) that continually adjusts fuel delivery to achieve the best combination of power, fuel economy, and low emissions. The fuel injectors likewise help reduce hydrocarbons after starting, while a linear airfuel sensor positioned in the exhaust system just upstream of the catalyst improves airfuel mixture control. The inline four-cylinder engine is designed with emissions performance in mind, employing VTCtrade and a unique i-VTECreg cylinder head promoting internal exhaust gas recirculation, which helps reduce NOx emissions output. Both the V-6 and I-4 engines feature an exhaust manifold design that is integrated into the cylinder-head casting. This design allows the catalytic converter to be positioned very close to the cylinders for swift light-off after a cold engine start. A secondary catalytic converter is positioned downstream under the passenger compartment floor. DIRECT IGNITION AND DETONATION-KNOCK CONTROL Because accurate spark timing is crucial for best power and torque output as well as reduced emissions, the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) continually monitors several engine parameters to determine optimum spark timing in all conditions. Additionally, a block-mounted acoustic detonation (knock) sensor ldquolistensrdquo to the engine, sending information about potentially damaging detonation to the PCM, which then incrementally retards ignition timing to help prevent damage. NOISE, VIBRATION amp HARSHNESS (NVH) CONTROL The 3.5L V-6 is designed to effectively control noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). Featuring a high-rigidity die-cast engine block with 60-degree V-angle cylinders, a strong forged-steel crankshaft, die-cast accessory mounts and stiff cast aluminum engine oil pan, low engine NVH is ensured. The induction and exhaust system is designed to emit a refined and quiet tone at low speeds, with a sporty ldquogrowlrdquo above 3,000 rpm. The 2.4L I-4 engine has an array of features designed to reduce (NVH). The pressure-cast cylinder block has a bed-plate type main bearing cap that results in a highly rigid assembly, which helps to resist vibration. Two balance shafts further smooth the inherent vibration commonly found with a large-displacement inline four-cylinder engine layout. A self-adjusting, silent-type camshaft chain and serpentine accessory drive belt team to help reduce NVH. ELECTRONIC CONTROL MOUNT (ECM) Acura8217s sophisticated Electronic Control Mount (ECM) system is used to minimize the effects of engine vibration. At low engine speed, vacuum-controlled engine mounts allow additional engine movement, so that less low-frequency vibration is transmitted to the body. At higher rpm, the ECM mounts stiffen so that the mass of the engine is properly restrained for better handling. With the 3.5L V-6, in addition to being used for the engine, the ECM mounts are also used for the transmission. ENGINE COMPARTMENT COVER While the engine compartments for both models are handsomely finished, the 3.5L V-6 features an engine compartment cover that conceals accessory systems. The engine itself is visible and is finished to eliminate the need for cosmetic covers. Whereas the 2.4L I-4 TSX uses a traditional prop rod to hold open the hood, the 3.5L V-6 TSX makes use of a gas-charged strut assembly to hold open the hood. The strut setup not only delivers an improved underhood appearance, but it helps lift the hood during opening as a convenience to the user. 100,000 MILE TUNE-UP INTERVAL All TSX models are exceptionally low-maintenance automobiles. With features like Iridium alloy-tipped spark plugs and a space-saving, self-tensioning serpentine accessory drive belt, these engines require no scheduled maintenance until 100,000 miles, exclusive of periodic inspections and normal replacement of fluids and filters. The first scheduled service at 100,000 miles includes valve adjustment, timing belt replacement, and water-pump inspection. Note that 100,000-mile tune-up interval does not apply to fluid and filter changes. Exact mileage is determined by actual driving conditions. MAINTENANCE MINDER SYSTEM A standard Maintenance Mindertrade system automatically monitors the vehicle8217s operating condition. The driver is alerted via a message on the Multi-Information Display (MID) when maintenance is required. The system helps eliminate unnecessary service stops, while ensuring that the vehicle is properly maintained. The Maintenance Mindertrade system monitors operating conditions such as coolant and oil temperatures along with engine speed, and then determines the proper service intervals. Depending on the engine operating conditions, oil change intervals can be extended to a maximum of 10,000 miles, potentially sparing the owner considerable money and inconvenience over the life of the vehicle. The MID indicates the remaining percentage of engine oil life, and indicates when service is due via a wrench icon. A percentage-based countdown to the next service is displayed when the car is within 15-percent of the end of the service interval. The type of service required is shown in an alphanumeric code, and if a service is missed, the MID indicates its urgency by showing past-due mileage. The system can be reset manually by the owner, and monitors all normal service parts and systems, including oil and filter, air-cleaner, tire rotation, automatic transmission fluid, coolant, spark plugs, timing belt, brake pads and more. Maintenance alerts are presented on the instrument cluster when the ignition is first turned on, and not while driving. TRANSMISSIONS SEQUENTIAL SPORTSHIFT 5-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH PADDLE SHIFTERS Both TSX models feature a smooth shifting Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission. Although similar in design, the transmission fit to the V-6 engine is more robust to handle the substantial increase in horsepower. In addition, the transmission uses special gear ratios to take advantage of the V-68217s abundant torque. Although the I-4 and V-6 use different transmission gear ratios, the operation of the Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission is identical. Both Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmissions feature racing-inspired paddle shifters and Grade Logic Control to maximize acceleration, fuel economy and driver control. Automatic Mode A console mounted, 5-position shift gate makes operation of the transmission simple. When in this mode the transmission operates automatically in the quotDquot position, selecting among the five forward gear ratios based on the driving conditions. When in automatic mode, the transmission incorporates an advanced Grade Logic Control and Shift Hold Control, both of which work to reduce gear quothuntingquot on hills and through turns. Grade Logic Control reduces shift frequency and improves vehicle speed control by altering the transmission8217s shift schedule when traveling uphill or downhill. The transmission computer continuously compares throttle position, vehicle speed and accelerationdeceleration with a map stored in the computer memory. The Grade Logic Control System determines when the TSX is on an upslope or down slope. The shift schedule is then adjusted to automatically hold the transmission in a lower gear for better climbing power or increased downhill engine braking. When the throttle is quickly released and the brakes are applied, as might be the case when decelerating for a corner, Shift Hold Control keeps the transmission in its current (lower) gear ratio. This helps provide added engine braking, and ensures that abundant power is immediately available at the corner exit. Manual Mode The TSX is equipped with steering-wheel mounted paddle shifters to operate the Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission. The paddle shifters are activated with a fingertip pull the right paddle commands an upshift while a pull of the left paddle commands a downshift. A digital display in the tachometer face indicates which gear the transmission is in when the steering wheel paddles are active. The steering wheel paddles can operate in both the quotDquot and quotSquot transmission positions. When in quotD, quot a touch of a paddle shifter temporarily places the transmission in manual mode (but without gear holding at redline). After steady-state cruising conditions are detected, the transmission returns to full automatic operation. In ldquoS, rdquo engaging a paddle enables gear holding, which allows only driver-commanded shifts, with the exception of automatically shifting to First gear at a stop, even if not driver-selected. When first placed in ldquoSrdquo mode, the transmission will automatically shift between First, Second, Third and Fourth gears until a paddle shifter is activated. When a paddle shifter is activated, the transmission goes into full manual mode. Manual mode protective features An array of protective features is active when the transmission is in manual mode to help protect the engine and drivetrain from damage. The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) will cut off fuel flow to the engine if there is a possibility of over-revving in a gear, as might occur if the driver is late in commanding an upshift. To prevent over-revving while downshifting, the transmission will not execute a driver-commanded downshift that would send the engine beyond redline in the lower gear. Even if the driver allows the vehicle to come to a stop in a high gear, the transmission will automatically downshift to First gear to prevent lugging away from a stop in a high gear. Cooperation between 5-Speed Automatic Transmission amp Drive-by-Wiretrade Throttle System With the TSX8217s electronically controlled automatic transmission and Drive-by-Wiretrade throttle system, the function of the engine and transmission are closely choreographed for faster, smoother shifting. As a result, shift shock is reduced significantly during shifts. ACTIVE LOCKUP TORQUE CONVERTER To provide good fuel economy while maintaining a high level of drivability, the 5-speed automatic transmission includes an active lockup torque converter. With the precise control afforded by a linear solenoid and assist spring, the system features a wide range of speed and throttle settings in which lockup can be engaged in the top four gears. This results in excellent fuel economy in both city and highway driving. 6-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION (TSX) Available with the 2.4L I-4 is a close-ratio 6-speed manual gearbox. With precise and light shifting action, the manual transmission is designed to compliment the TSX8217s sporting side. Compared to a 5-speed transmission, the 6-speed gearbox allows for closer gear ratio staging. This enables the engine to operate closer to its power peak during acceleration for better performance with the revised engine. A high (numerically low) top gear ratio allows for a relaxed cruising rpm, improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions. The TSX 6-speed manual gearbox has special ratios for Second through Sixth gears for better performance with the revised engine. The compact, highly rigid transmission case is cast of aluminum alloy to reduce weight. Additionally, the highly rigid casting helps damp out noise and vibration. Multi-cone synchronizers on First through Fourth gears reduce and smooth shifting effort. The low-effort clutch pedal design has a broad engagement band for progressive engagement and smoother launches. The 2010 TSX reflects Acura8217s advanced design direction. Forceful and muscular but at the same time sleek and elegant, the styling clearly sets the tone for the TSX8217s driving dynamics - agile and invigorating for performance oriented drivers, and quiet and comfortable for those with luxury intentions. BODY OVERVIEW The 2010 Acura TSX body design represents the latest direction in Acura styling. The TSX was styled in Acura8217s Wako design studio (located just outside Tokyo, Japan) and is assembled at the Sayama Factory in Japan. With a wide body that provides agile handling and greater interior roominess (along with a lower seating position) the TSX continues to be the best handling front-wheel-drive vehicle in its segment. Inside, the TSX is quiet and refined. Advanced aerodynamic treatments such as inside frame rails, underbody air deflectors and a chiseled aerodynamic body shape help the TSX move with a minimum of drag - thereby reducing fuel usage and lowering emissions, while enhancing quietness and high-speed dynamic stability. The TSX8217s dynamic styling is designed to appeal to a wide range of customers. These customers lead an active lifestyle, and often participate in outdoor activities. Thus, they want a vehicle that reflects their passion for performance and athleticism while also supporting their active social lifestyle with roomy, comfortable seating for five. KEEN-EDGED STYLING The 2010 TSX features Acura8217s signature design language known as Keen Edge Styling. In keeping with this styling language, Acura designers infused crisp, dynamic design elements into the exterior design of the TSX. Additionally, the TSX8217s aerodynamic design evokes both emotion and tension with a decisively sporty flair - as if a solid piece of billet material was shaped with a sharp knife. The TSX features Acura8217s signature power plenum grille - making the TSX instantly recognizable on the road. Inside the grille8217s bold, chiseled chromed surround trim is a satin-black parallelogram quothoneycombquot mesh that adds a look of power and performance. The headlight arrays, containing reflectors on the outside edges, piercing projector-style low-beam headlights and sculpted halogen high-beam headlights, all reside behind a smooth contoured lens. Fog lamps are located in the outer edges of the front fascia and are a standard feature on the TSX. Keen eyes will notice that the 2010 TSX V-6 makes use of a slightly redesigned front bumper assembly that features added air intake openings for improved cooling of the V-6 model8217s oversized radiator. Sharp contour lines run alongside the body and connect the front and rear of the new car together in a strong, windswept line that promises both agility and performance. Bold wheel arches that frame the five-spoke, 17-inch aluminum wheels (TSX I-4) or split five-spoke, 18-inch wheels (TSX V-6) emphasize strength and muscularity. Chrome door handles and chrome trim surrounding the side windows adds a look of substance and quality. In back, sculptured taillights compliment large turn signals at the outside edges of the trunk lid. Twin reflectors are low-mounted on the rear fascia near the 3.2-inch diameter exhaust finishers. WIDER BODY DIMENSIONS The body width for the 2010 TSX is a full three inches wider than the previous-generation TSX. This increase, along with the 2.6-inch wider track and the 1.4-inch longer wheelbase, considerably improves interior roominess. There is a dynamic upside to the wider track: enhanced handling agility and stability. The seating position is also 0.4-inch lower than in the previous generation TSX, helping to create a sportier driving experience. SLIMMER A-PILLARS To improve the field of view for the driver, the TSX has thin A-pillars which permit a broader field of forward view without compromising structural strength. While a robust interior structure helps ensure the necessary structural rigidity, at 4.2 inches wide in their interior dimension, the pillars are an inch narrower than the previous TSX A-pillars. The use of thin A-pillars improves driver8217s point of view and allows for best in class outward frontal field of view. CLOSED-CHANNEL CROSS-BRACED ROOF STRUCTURE The 2010 TSX uses a strengthened roof section designed to significantly reduce flexing and vibration, resulting in less noise in the passenger compartment. Whereas the roof section on the previous TSX used open-channel stiffeners, the new TSX8217s roof section uses two closed-channel crossbeams that help create a structure that is highly resistant to flexing and vibration. The installation method of the roof structure is unique as well. With the previous TSX, the roof panel and its open-channel stiffeners were welded onto the rest of the unit body as a unit. With the 2010 TSX, the roof frame assembly is first welded in place without the roof panel, allowing full access to the ideal welding locations. The roof panel itself is then attached. This process creates stronger joints and a stiffer overall roof and body structure - 35 percent greater rigidity in front and 20 percent greater rigidity in back. The end result for the TSX owner is markedly decreased noise and vibration inside the car. FRAME RAIL SYSTEM The TSX uses an internal frame rail system for reduced aerodynamic turbulence and drag. In addition by positioning the stamped steel frame rails above the floor of the passenger compartment - instead of below it - the bottom of the vehicle can be made much flatter resulting in a quieter ride at highway speeds. CIRCULAR-TYPE REAR BULKHEAD STRUCTURE A circular-type rear bulkhead structure significantly improves structural rigidity of the rear area of the passenger compartment, measurably reducing noise and vibration experienced by passengers. AERODYNAMICS Careful attention to airflow management helps increase fuel efficiency, reduce emissions and improve stability at higher speeds and in crosswinds. Visible elements of the TSX8217s aerodynamically efficient body design include flush mounted headlights, hidden windshield wipers, flush mounted side and rear glass, and a tail that cuts off airflow abruptly instead of inducing drag. The aero improvements continue under the vehicle with a series of plastic moldings that redirect air to reduce turbulence underneath the car. Underbody aerodynamic aids include: A short, wide wickerbill underneath the front fascia that helps separate the airflow and allows it to move underneath the engine and transmission assembly with the least drag. A large aluminum and plastic undercover that further improves airflow beneath the engine and transmission. A pair of deeper, separate air quotstrakesquot located in front of the front tires to help air flow efficiently around the tires. A pair of covers located in front of the rear suspension subframe that help improve airflow. NOISE INSULATION The TSX make use of extensive insulation features to reduce the interior sound level. Four separate strategies are employed: A thorough insulation package including melt sheet is applied to lower unit body areas. The floor carpet provides sound absorption and insulation to markedly reduce road noise in the passenger compartment. Floating front and rear suspension subframes are rubber mounted to reduce road and suspension noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). A, B and C-pillar separators (see below) are also used. A, B amp C-PILLAR SEPARATORS In vehicles, generally the A-, B - and C-pillars that extend vertically from the floor of the vehicle to the roofline are hollow, which can transmit road and wind noise into the passenger compartment. The TSX pillars are sealed internally, dramatically reducing the transmission of noise and vibration. WIND NOISE REDUCTION MEASURES A comprehensive series of features dramatically reduces audible wind noise inside the TSX - especially at higher speeds or in windy conditions. Wind noise reduction measures include: Inside frame rail system positions structural frame rails above the floor rather than below it. This smoothes the bottom of the vehicle for reduced air turbulence. A series of underbody fairings controls airflow underneath the car and around the front and rear tires. Windshield wipers and arms are positioned below the hood line. Flush window and moonroof moldings reduce air turbulence. Exterior mirror housings are aerodynamically shaped to further reduce turbulence. EXTERIOR LIGHTING The TSX uses projector-style Xenon High Intensity Discharge (HID) low beam headlights and 60-watt halogen high beams, plus a bright incandescent taillight array and bright Center High Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL). Bumper-integrated front fog lamps are standard and bright backup lights are incorporated into the edges of the trunk lid. EXTERIOR COLORS A range of new exterior colors (including a choice of four pearl and four metallic colors) are designed to compliment the TSX8217s new styling. Body colors are applied with a waterborne paint process to reduce environmental impact and waste. The TSX features a power sliding moonroof that is flush mounted to reduce wind noise as well as featuring an inner panel that further reduces noise from entering the passenger compartment when the moonroof is closed. A pop-up wind deflector reduces turbulence and noise when the moonroof is open. For ease of operation, a one-touch switch is located ahead of the moonroof on the ceiling. The switch controls openclose as well as tilt functions. The moonroof also features an auto-reverse feature for safety and may be operated after the ignition is turned off (until the driver8217s door is opened). POWER WINDOWS The 2010 TSX is equipped with both driver and passenger-side front power auto updown windows. With one light touch of the window switch the windows will either lower all the way or rise all the way. An auto-reverse feature reduces the likelihood of injury in the event that a passenger8217s hand or arm is extended out the window while it is closing. EXTERIOR MIRRORS The TSX8217s passenger-side power-activated exterior rearview mirror features a Reverse gear tilt-down feature. At the driver8217s discretion (the feature may be switched off), when Reverse gear is engaged, the passenger side mirror automatically tilts downward to provide an improved view of curbs or painted lines. The mirrors are also heated to improve rear visibility in foggy or icy conditions, and feature a special tint to reduce glare. The mirror housings are designed for good aerodynamics and incorporate turn indicators at the outer edges of the housings. ELECTRIC FUEL DOOR LOCK The TSX8217s fuel-filler door locks and unlocks automatically along with the doors. By eliminating the need to reach for the traditional floor-mounted cable release, the new system simplifies the process of refueling the car. As long as the driver8217s door is unlocked, opening the fuel-filler door is as simple as gently pushing on the rear edge of the door to release its latch. Latching the door requires a gentle push. EXTERIOR GLASS All exterior window glass on the TSX, including the laminated front windshield, safety-glass side and rear windows, have a special UV-resistant coating that helps reduce interior temperatures, lessens glare, and helps protect the leather and other surfaces inside the vehicle from fading. DOOR EDGE GARNISH To provide a more finished interior appearance, an attractive metal garnish covers the inside edges of front and rear door ends except for the door latch (and the child safety locks on the rear doors). This improves the visual appeal of the doors when they are open. TRUNK UTILITY The TSX features a wide and usable trunk that makes loading bulky or heavy items significantly easier. Widely spaced trunk lid hinges provide greater clearance, and when closed, the hinges disappear into slots in the finished trunk lining and do not intrude on cargo space. Plus, the hidden hinge design improves trunk aesthetics and gives a more high-quality feel. The fully lined and illuminated trunk can accommodate a wide range of cargo, including four golf bags or four Pullman suitcases. TRUNK OPENER The TSX8217s trunk latch may be released with the remote transmitter built into the folding ignition key, via a pushbutton on the rear fascia (when the doors are unlocked) or by pushing a button on the driver8217s inside door panel. An emergency cable release is available in case the TSX battery should ever run down. EXTERIOR ACCESSORIES An exciting line of Acura Genuine Accessories was developed simultaneously with the TSX to provide personalization for the Acura client. Like all Acura Genuine Accessories, the TSX accessories are covered by a 4-year50,000-mile limited warranty. Step over the polished alloy doorsill plates to enter the TSX interior and the purposeful nature of this sports sedan is immediately apparent. Blending luxury, performance and technology in equal measure, the TSX8217s interior exhibits a high level of fit and finish that customers have come to expect from Acura. The driver8217s cockpit is engineered for comfort and precise control, with many key controls positioned within fingertip reach on the thick, leather-wrapped steering wheel. With the Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission, racing-inspired shift paddles positioned on the steering wheel make for convenient gear changes. Redesigned front bucket seats offer enhanced lateral support, and the driver8217s seat is 8-way power adjustable. The roomy 5-passenger interior offers standard leather seating, as well as standard dual-zone automatic climate control. Convenient fold-down rear seatbacks reveal a large pass-through to the trunk to expand cargo-carrying versatility. Typical of Acura, the TSX offers an exceptional level of standard equipment. Included are a standard power-actuated driver and front passenger seat, a folding key with remote entry, automatic headlight activation, premium 7-speaker sound system with CD, AMFM tuner, XMreg satellite radio, AUX and USB music port connectivity and a Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg cellular phone interface. A HomeLinkreg remote control system is also standard. The available Technology Package adds a dazzling 10-speaker AcuraELS Surroundreg Premium Sound Audi o System with Note feature for XMreg Radio, Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognitiontrade with rearview camera and AcuraLinkreg Satellite Communication System. The TSX8217s sport-oriented interior is designed to evoke a premium, avant-garde appearance with a blend of high-quality materials and graceful accents. Interior shapes are sweeping and fluid, and vehicle entry is over metal sill plates bearing the Acura logo. Satin metal finish accents arc across the instrument panel and along the sides of the center console. Both front and rear doors have sweeping armrests that are integrated with the door pulls, handles and lock knobs for a more integrated and finished look. Large analog gauges are easily legible, and the small-diameter steering wheel has a thick, leather-wrapped rim for a sporting feel. Satellite controls for key systems are positioned on the steering wheel within fingertip reach, including racing-inspired steering wheel mounted paddle shifters for the 5-speed automatic transmission. A large digital display within the tachometer face shows gear selection when the transmission is in manual mode. The interior comes in three premium colors: Ebony, Parchment and Taupe. DRIVER-ORIENTED COCKPIT The TSX is designed to provide the driver with a functional and refined cockpit that puts controls within easy reach. The key controls ndash the steering wheel, pedals, and console shifter ndash are positioned for comfort and control. Sport-oriented seating offers added lateral support for hard cornering. The 8-way power adjustable driver8217s seat is positioned low for improved headroom and a lower center of gravity. The seat includes a 2-position memory feature. The steering column tilts and telescopes to accommodate drivers of varying sizes. Instrumentation and controls are clearly legible and switchgear offers precise tactile feedback. Automatic and manual transmissions are offered with the TSX, and both are designed for ease of operation. The 6-speed manual transmission has short throws like those of a sportscar. The Sequential SportShift 5-Speed automatic transmission has a simplified straight-style shift gate located on the center console along with racing-inspired paddle shifters that are within fingertip reach on the steering wheel. Controls for the power moonroof with tilt and auto-openclose are located overhead in an intuitive location. The trunk can be electrically opened via a button positioned within easy reach in the driver8217s door panel. The fuel filler door is locked electrically anytime the doors are locked, eliminating the need for a cable-style fuel door release button. When the power door locks are unlocked, the fuel filler door can be easily opened. LEATHER-WRAPPED STEERING WHEEL In keeping with its sporting mission, the TSX has a thick leather-wrapped 3-spoke steering wheel that integrates many control functions. Audio controls are positioned on the left spoke while cruise-control switches are on the right spoke. On cars equipped with the Technology Package, Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognitiontrade controls are located on the bottom spoke of the steering wheel. When equipped with the Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission, a pair of shift paddles are positioned on the rear of the steering wheel. LED INSTRUMENTATION WITH MULTI-INFORMATION DISPLAY The TSX8217s analog instrumentation has satin metal-finish bezels and a clean, uncluttered look that makes it easy for the driver to interpret readings. LED backlighting makes the large gauges clear ndash day or night. The illuminated pointers on the tachometer and speedometer are quotfloating, quot and appear to sweep around an invisible center pivot. When equipped with the Sequential SportShift 5-speed automatic transmission, the tachometer face includes a digital gear selection indicator. The V-6 model receives an updated tachometer face with a unique rpm redline range that corresponds to the operating parameters of the new 3.5L V-6 engine. A Multi Information Display (MID) positioned in the speedometer face displays outside temperature, vehicle mileage and trip mileage, instant as well as average fuel economy readouts and TPMS tire pressure status. Maintenance Mindertrade also alerts the driver of upcoming maintenance needs via the MID. To give the TSX a welcoming feel, when the door is first opened, the instrument lighting comes on at a low brightness when the key is put in the ignition, the brightness progressively increases to 100-percent illumination. Then when the ignition is turned on, the illuminated instruments come to life, indicating that all systems are up and running. At the end of the drive, the illumination process reverses. During spirited acceleration, cornering and braking, secure seating for the driver and passengers is an elemental part of overall comfort. With high lateral loadings the driver8217s seat becomes an important part of the control system, helping the driver read the dynamic information the chassis and powertrain convey. The TSX driver8217s seat is designed to deliver a sense of connection and control, and is scaled to fit a wide range of body shapes. Specific attention was given to increasing shoulder-area support for enhanced comfort while cornering. With 8-way power adjustability, the TSX driver8217s seat provides an accommodating fit and two different seat position profiles can be stored in memory. Each seat profile is linked to one of the pair of new folding ignition keys with integral remote-entry transmitter. When the driver uses the remote entry feature of the key, the TSX automatically adjusts the driver8217s seat to the preset position as well as links the driver8217s side mirror and radio presets. Switches located on the driver8217s door panel can also select the individual memory profiles. The driver8217s seat backrest lumbar mechanism is adjustable via a lever mounted on the right side of the seat back. The mechanism is designed to offer smoothly contoured support without the quotsharp edgedquot feel of some less sophisticated mechanisms. TSX is equipped with a 4-way power adjustable front bucket seat for passenger comfort. To eliminate the chill on cold days, the TSX features heated front seats. INTERIOR ROOM The TSX8217s wide wheel track and overall body width translate into a spacious interior cabin. The TSX8217s efficient packaging offers comfortable long-haul space for four passengers, and can accommodate up to five passengers for shorter drives. Rear seat room is particularly impressive relative to this class, with adequate leg and headroom for passengers over six feet tall. CARGO CARRYING VERSATILITY When more space is needed, the lockable 6040 split-folding rear seatback can be lowered by pulling release handles that are easily accessible from inside the trunk. This opens a large cargo pass-through to the back seat area. The reconfigured pass-through is now eight inches wider at its bottom, simplifying loading. Trunk cargo volume is 12.6 cubic feet with a total vehicle cargo volume of 107.1 cubic ft. COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE ITEMS The TSX interior is designed to help make passengers comfortable with plenty of customer-relevant features. Front and rear cupholders accommodate large drinks, convenient storage bins and compartments include seatback map pockets and bottle holders in all four doors, and the front door panels also have large map pockets. A 2-section locking glove compartment has a damped door, and there is also overhead sunglasses storage, while the center console incorporates side utility pockets. Beneath the sliding, padded armrest, the center console storage compartment has an internal 12-volt power point, a 2.5 mm auxiliary input mini-jack for the audio system, and a USB jack for the easy connection of a compatible audio device (such as an iPodreg) to the TSX8217s sound system. A versatile Multi-Information Display located in the speedometer face tracks the car8217s maintenance needs, shows warnings and offers an array of driver preference settings. The TSX also features a dash mounted electronic compass for added directional information while driving. Illuminated door-mounted window switches are easy to locate at night. A HomeLinkreg remote system allows the control of up to three home electronic devices remotely from inside the car. DUAL-ZONE AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM The TSX has standard dual-zone automatic climate control with clear, intuitive controls. A replaceable filter system helps remove particulates from the interior air. When equipped with the Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognitiontrade, key HVAC system functions can be accomplished via voice commands. In addition, the navigation system calculates sun position to adjust system operation from side to side to help compensate for solar heating. INTERIOR COLOR amp TRIM COMBINATIONS Three interior colors are available, including Ebony (black), Taupe (gray) and Parchment (ivory). The upper instrument panel in all versions is black, while the lower instrument panel color matches the interior color. REMOTE ENTRY Two folding ignition keys with integrated remote transmitters are provided with the TSX. Each transmitter can be linked to one of two driver seat-position profiles. The key fob that is used to unlock the vehicle triggers a specific driver profile and the system automatically positions the power driver8217s seat, adjusts the side mirrors and sets the radio presets to match that profile. Using the key fob, one push of the unlock button unlocks the driver8217s door while a second push unlocks all the doors. When placed in the driver8217s door lock, one twist unlocks only the driver8217s door while a second twist unlocks all the doors. The TSX also features a unique quotquick ventquot feature that (when holding the unlock button on the keyless remote for two seconds) instantly lowers all four door windows and opens the power moonroof to quickly vent the built-up interior heat. In addition, by holding the key in the quotlockquot position, all open windows can be simultaneously raised. BLUETOOTHreg HANDSFREELINKreg WIRELESS TELEPHONE INTERFACE The TSX includes standard Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg cellular telephone and music interface that is designed to work with many Bluetoothreg enabled mobile telephones (sold separately). Bluetoothreg is a radio frequency-based technology that allows portable devices such as mobile telephones, PDAs, laptops and other devices to communicate wirelessly. Acura8217s Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg system is compatible with Bluetoothreg enabled cellular phones that have the Hands Free Profile (HFP). Some early Bluetoothreg enabled phones do not have this communications protocol, but most newly released cellular telephones should have the HFP. After a simple one-time pairing process, the TSX can communicate wirelessly and securely with the driver8217s cell phone when it is within approximately 30 feet (10 meters) of the vehicle. The phone must be turned on, but can be stowed in a pocket, briefcase, purse, or anywhere inside the TSX cabin. Using the Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg system, the driver can send or answer telephone calls without needing to remove hands from the steering wheel. Incoming telephone numbers are displayed on the Multi-Information Display, and a ring tone is heard over the TSX8217s audio system. A press of the steering wheel-mounted quotPick upquot button mutes the audio system and the incoming caller is heard over the audio system speakers. An overhead microphone picks up the driver8217s voice. quotEcho effectquot and background noise are reduced by special algorithms built into the navigation system to improve the transmission quality of the driver8217s speech. To send a telephone call hands-free, fingertip controls mounted on the steering wheel activate the system and the driver can dial the telephone number by voice. The driver also can store frequently called numbers in the system8217s memory by using voice tags. Up to six different compatible mobile phones can be paired with the TSX8217s Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg system at one time. PREMIUM 7-SPEAKER SOUND SYSTEM WITH CD AND AMFMXMreg TUNER The TSX8217s Premium audio system delivers a high performance listening experience. Engineered for simple, intuitive operation, the system incorporates an AMFM tuner, XMreg satellite radio and a single-disc CD player. The system displays Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS) information, which appears as text showing station name and program type. The audio system can play program material from a wide variety of sources. The single-disc CD player can read discs encoded with MP3 or WMAreg files, and there is a 2.5 mm auxiliary mini-jack in the center console for use with an external MP3 player. A USB port and cable is provided in the center console for the easy connection of an iPodreg or compatible MP3 player. When used with compatible iPodreg models, the USB connection provides charging power and allows the display of iPodreg content information on the audio system head unit. Control of the iPodreg is via the audio head unit for maximum convenience. Standard equipment is XMreg Satellite Radio, offering over 170 digital channels of news, sports, talk and entertainment. A 90-day complimentary subscription to XMreg is included. The audio system also offers Bluetoothreg Audio, a new technology for Acura. When the system has been paired with a compatible cellular telephone that incorporates a built-in audio player, the phone8217s audio content can be played on the TSX audio system via a wireless Bluetoothreg connection. With the phone turned on and its music player running, the TSX audio system allows control of volume, forward and back track skipping along with pauseresume via the vehicle8217s audio head unit (function not legal in all states). The 360-watt sound system has a total of seven speakers. A pair of tweeters are positioned in the top of the instrument panel, and two 6.3-inch drivers are positioned in the front doors. The rear deck has another pair of 6.3-inch drivers, along with an 8-inch subwoofer. An in-glass antenna located in the rear window is optimized to help deliver enhanced radio reception. Remote audio controls on the 3-spoke steering wheel put frequently used functions within fingertip reach of the driver. ACURAELS SURROUNDreg PREMIUM AUDIO SYSTEM WITH 10-SPEAKERS, DVD-AUDIO, DTStrade, CD 6-DISC CHANGER, AND AMFMXMreg TUNER When equipped with the available Technology Package, the TSX includes an AcuraELS Surroundreg Premium Audio System featuring 10-speakers and DVD-Audio. The system gets its name from multi-Grammyreg Award winning producerengineer Elliot Scheiner8217s recording industry-recognized moniker quotELSreg. quot Scheiner8217s goal in the development of this audio system was to capture and reproduce music the way it is heard in the recording studio. The sophisticated ELSreg system, developed together with Panasonic Automotive Systems, is designed to provide recording studio sound to the interior of the TSX. The system uses 10 speakers and a total of 415 watts of power to create a unique listening experience in the TSX. Like the 7-speaker Premium audio system, the AcuraELS Surroundreg Premium Audio system can play program material from an extremely wide range of sources. The 6-disc CD changer can read discs encoded with MP3 or WMAreg files. There8217s a 2.5 mm auxiliary mini-jack for use with an external MP3 player, and a USB jack and cable is located in the center console for the connection of an iPodreg or compatible MP3 player. When used with compatible iPodreg models, this connection provides iPodreg control via the audio head unit. Bluetoothreg Audio allows a compatible cellular telephone that incorporates a built-in audio player to wirelessly play the phone8217s audio content on the TSX audio system (function not legal in all states). The audio system features selectable Dolby Pro Logic II signal processing that creates simulated 5.1-channel surround sound from CD, MP3WMAreg, XMreg, AUX and USB input. The TSX audio system plays conventional CDs and DTS discs, in addition to DVD-Audio discs. While Elliot Scheiner and Panasonic Automotive tuned the AcuraELS Surroundreg Premium Audio system to create outstanding sound from any source, DVD-Audio is the system8217s most impressive sounding format. This advanced audio reproduction technology delivers over 500-times higher resolution than traditional CD audio. DVD-Audio delivers smoother, fuller and far more accurate sound through six discrete channels. (The system will not play DVD movies, DVD-V or DVD-RRWs.) To make this capable system simple to operate, it has large-format controls and steering wheel-mounted controls of key functions are positioned within fingertip reach. Select audio system functions can also be executed via voice commands. 10-speaker array Each of the 10 speakers in the AcuraELS Surroundreg Premium Audio system uses a high-energy Neodymium magnet for excellent sound quality and to reduce weight. There are soft-dome tweeters in the mirror patch location, plus a 2.75-inch midrange polypropylene-cone center speaker in the middle of the dashboard top. Each of the doors has 6.7-inch full-range dual-thickness polypropylene-cone speakers, and in the rear parcel shelf there are two more 6.7-inch drivers flanking a special Super Low Distortion 8-inch diameter subwoofer. The combination of outstanding speaker drivers, 415 watts of power and optimal speaker locations creates an audio system that delivers luxurious sound to any seating position. An AMFM tuner gets signals from a powered, active glass antenna laminated into the rear window glass. The system displays Radio Broadcast Data System (RBDS) information, which can show station name and program type. XMreg Radio is integrated into the audio receiver to provide more than 170 channels of digital program material with near-CD quality sound. When XMreg is used, a display shows the current station, song title, or artist8217s name. A complimentary 3-month subscription to XMreg Radio service is included with purchase of a new TSX, and customers are able to continue or cancel the service any time after. There are numerous XMreg Radio service packages available. A new Note feature for XMreg Radio is built into the audio system. The feature is designed to be a convenience for TSX owners that want to make note of a song heard on XMreg. At the touch of a button or via a voice command, the Note feature records the current song title and artist name in text form, along with a short audio excerpt of the song. The system captures up to 10 seconds of each selected song, and can record a total of 30 song excerpts for later playback. ACTIVE SOUND CONTROL (V-6 Exclusive) The 2010 TSX V-6 receives a new Active Sound Control system that is much advanced over Acura8217s previous Active Noise Cancellationtrade (ANC) system. Whereas ANC dealt specifically with the elimination of low sound pressure entering the cabin, the new Active Sound Control system has a much broader range including the elimination of unwanted high frequency noise. In addition, Active Sound Control is linked to throttle position and engine rpm to provide a more quiet cockpit during normal cruising while allowing the 3.5L8217s muscular sound to be heard more during higher rpm, higher speed driving. Sporting a new array of processing technology and sensors, the Active Sound Control system not only dramatically improves sound cancellation but also works throughout the entire engine rpm range whereas the previous ANC system only worked to cancel engine booming noise up to 2,000 rpm. Moreover, Active Sound Control is specially tuned for various levels of quoteffectquot generated at different throttle positions: during low rpm, Active Sound Control delivers a quiet cabin during mid-rpm throttle, some of the throaty exhaust note is allowed to enter the cabin and during high rpm the Active Sound Control system is tuned to allow a more crisp exhaust note to enter the cabin. The Active Sound Control system operates whenever the car is running, regardless of whether the audio system is on or off. There are two microphones mounted in the headliner - one just behind the front overhead console and another just ahead of the overhead rear light module. The microphones capture low frequencies entering the cabin, and send a signal to the Active Sound Control unit. The Active Sound Control unit then creates a precisely timed reverse phase audio signal that is sent to an amplifier, which powers the door speakers. The Active Sound Control dramatically reduces the booming noise of the exhaust, front and rear. In the frequency range below 100 hertz, Active Sound Control results in an impressive 10 dB reduction in noise level. Moreover, the new Active Sound Control system dramatically reduces high frequency and middle-frequency noise attenuation during normal cruising. In addition, road noise attenuation is also improved over both smooth and rough roads. ACURA NAVIGATION SYSTEM WITH VOICE RECOGNITIONtrade AND REAR-VIEW CAMERA, ACURALINKreg REAL-TIME TRAFFIC AND ACURALINKreg WEATHER The TSX with Technology Package features the Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognitiontrade with an 8-inch screen. For 2010, the navigation system gets an easier-to-read outer screen that further thwarts glare. Designed for easy, intuitive operation, the TSX8217s navigation system has a wide range of capabilities. A rearview camera helps provide added situational awareness for the driver when the vehicle is in reverse. The navigation system features AcuraLink Real-Time Traffictrade along with AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade. The Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognitiontrade locates the vehicle8217s position based on data from up to 12 orbiting Global Positioning Satellites (GPS). In situations when the GPS antenna is blocked by tall buildings, a parking garage or tunnel, an internal gyroscopic system and a speed sensor help keep the mapping information current and reliable until satellite reception is restored. The system8217s ECU features a mapping information database that8217s stored on a replaceable DVD. Updated DVD data discs are available (for a fee) on an annual basis at acura or by calling 888-549-3798. There are two ways to control the navigation system: by voice command or via an Interface Dial. With a press of the quotTalkquot button on the steering wheel, voice command is enabled. The system responds to 100,000 words, as well as to 1.7 million spoken city and street names. Audio sound is automatically muted when the quotTalkquot button is pressed, and an overhead microphone array receives spoken commands from the driver. The pair of microphones in the ceiling console work with sophisticated electronics to quothome inquot on the driver8217s voice while ignoring extraneous sounds. The improved clarity of this microphone system is a key factor behind the spectacular improvement in the word recognition of this new-generation navigation system. The system responds to commands in normal English, such as quotDisplay gas stations, quot quotFind nearest hospitalquot or quotFind nearest Chinese restaurant. quot You can also choose to display points of interest on the map with voice command, or tell the system to provide turn-by-turn navigation. The system8217s massive point-of-interest database includes phone numbers, which can be dialed with the Bluetoothreg HandsFreeLinkreg system when linked to a compatible Bluetoothreg cellular telephone. The system also features Zagat Surveytrade information and reviews for thousands of restaurants. The TSX has a convenient Interface Dial that provides an alternate way to control the navigation system. The dial allows characters and items to be selected from the on-screen display, functioning much like a computer pointing device. The Interface Dial allows you to choose menu options or spell out words (an address, business name or place). AcuraLinkreg Satellite Communication System The TSX navigation system includes the AcuraLinkreg Satellite Communication System. AcuraLinkreg provides 2-way communication between Acura and the vehicle, giving clients the latest information specific to their vehicle. The owner8217s Bluetoothreg compatible cellular telephone is used in cases where communication to and from the Acura Telematics server is needed (once the owner has paired a phone with the vehicle, enabled its data-transmission function and agreed to the data charges from their cellular phone service). AcuraLinkreg messages are displayed as text on the navigation screen, and can be heard over the audio system as Text-to-Speech. High priority messages are displayed immediately upon receipt. Less time-critical messages trigger an icon on the navigation screen. Some low priority messages show up only upon vehicle start-up to avoid distractions. The TSX owner can choose to read a message immediately, or archive it to be read later. Messages that may be sent to the TSX via AcuraLinkreg include Maintenance Mindertrade (information regarding the next required maintenance), Quick Tips (information to help maximize the benefit and enjoyment of TSX features), Feature Guide (supplements to the Owner8217s Manual), Diagnostic Info (information and instruction should an onboard system issue arise), information regarding required service or repair, and service appointment reminders. The TSX owner has control over the types of messages received, and all AcuraLinkreg preferences can be set via the Owner Linkreg website. With 2-way data communication between the TSX and the Acura Telematics Server, AcuraLinkreg can offer important information that previously has been unavailable. If a vehicle fault develops and an instrument panel warning indicator illuminates, AcuraLinkreg will automatically send a trouble code to the Acura Telematics Server (if a linked telephone is in range and the user has authorized data transmission). The Telematics Server interprets the code and then sends a message back to the vehicle. As a result, the owner knows if a particular problem can be dealt with later or if it requires special driving techniques. The data connection is enabled even if the monthly XMreg Radio service package is not activated. AcuraLinkreg Real-time traffic and AcuraLinkreg weather information AcuraLinkreg Real-time traffic The TSX navigation screen can display continuously updating traffic information including flow (with traffic speed where available), collisions, unique incidents, and construction on freeways in 77 major metropolitan areas within the continental United States. NAVTEQtrade gathers information from multiple sources including police and highway patrol accident reports and transportation departments. This traffic information is then transmitted by XMreg Radio satellites to the TSX where it is graphically displayed on the navigation system. Map icons can be selected to see incident details. Traffic information is continuously updated, allowing drivers to avoid freeway congestion en route and to choose the optimum route for their destination. AcuraLink Real-Time Traffictrade provides an updated flow of relevant information reflecting conditions along a driver8217s chosen route, unlike radio or television traffic reports that typically contain less detailed information. The TSX8217s satellite-based Navigation system features Traffic Reroutingtrade functionality, utilizing updated data from AcuraLink Real-Time Traffictrade information. When traffic congestion or road incidents are detected along the selected drive route, Traffic Reroutingtrade can automatically recalculate a quotdetourquot route and display a pop-up box signifying the route change. The TSX driver can also recalculate a route in manual mode simply by selecting quotTRAFFIC INCIDENTSquot from the Map Info menu followed by selecting the quotAVOIDquot command relevant to an incident. Either method can save time and frustration, thus keeping the Acura driver ahead of the curve. (Note: Traffic Reroutingtrade requires a monthly subscription to the XMreg NavTraffic service). Following the 3-month free trial period, Real-Time Traffictrade data services are offered on a subscription basis for a nominal fee. In addition to the on-screen traffic information, TSX owners who maintain their Sirius XMreg Radio service also receive 77 city-specific audio traffic information that runs on a 2-3 minute loop in selected metropolitan areas. AcuraLinkreg weather Acura was the first automotive company to offer continually updated quotreal timequot traffic information as standard equipment. Acura leads the field by offering an in-dash, in-map navigation system with continually updated weather information integrated within a single-screen format. AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade is the first personal weather tracking system for in-dash automotive GPS navigation systems. The system tracks area-specific, continuously updated weather conditions between the current location and the final destination. Plus, it provides near-term weather forecasts. Rather than just offering general weather conditions for a region, the system focuses on the specific weather on the driving route. AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade information is continuously updated and delivered to the vehicle navigation system via the TSX8217s built-in XMreg tuner. With data provided by Baron Services, Inc. professional-grade weather information (obtained and deciphered from a complex array of National Weather Service information) is now exclusively available to Acura owners. Owners of a new TSX will receive a complementary 3-month trial subscription that delivers AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade along with AcuraLink Real-Time Traffictrade and XMreg Radio. Afterwards, AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade is individually available by monthly subscription or packaged with AcuraLink Real-Time Traffictrade or XMreg Radio, or as a combined package of all three features. Based on XM8217s WX Weather feature that is the recognized weather information leader in the aviation and marine markets, the AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade technology is further enhanced for specific travel conditions within most major metropolitan areas across the 48 contiguous United States. The information focuses on identifying potential weather threats along with current and future forecast weather conditions. Current weather conditions are displayed on the navigation screen in an easy-to-read format. To find nearby weather conditions, the TSX8217s navigation system cursor can be moved to the desired location on the map to obtain info for a specific location. After pressing the quotMapquot button, the display reverts to the vehicle8217s current location. In addition to providing continually updated weather information, AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade also generates prompts with unique icons informing the TSX driver if the vehicle is headed into oncoming severe weather such as a developing snowstorm, ice or even a tornado warning. With such advance information the TSX driver can choose to reroute a trip to avoid the severe weather before actually encountering it. When the navigation map display is zoomed out all the way to reveal the entire United States, AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade shows weather patterns across different areas of the country. AcuraLink Real-Time Weathertrade also offers 1- and 3-day weather forecasts for specific areas of the United States. In keeping with its lean, athletic appearance, the 2010 TSX offers a flat ride that is free from excessive pitching motions, along with outstanding agility and steering precision. Several chassis development such as a highly rigid body design with a cross-braced roof structure and a safety cage-type rear bulkhead structure all help contribute to the TSX8217s dynamic performance. SUSPENSION The TSX suspension8217s high roll center (the geometric axis on which the body rolls or leans while cornering) reduces body lean during cornering, which better equalizes the workload for all four tires while also improving passenger comfort. Front suspension Double-wishbone front suspension components include stamped-steel upper A-arms, cast-iron steering knuckles, cast-iron lower A-arms, coil-over dampers and a large front stabilizer bar. A steel subframe cradles the engine, transmission and lower suspension components, and mounts on rubber bushings tuned to reduce road and engine noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) without compromising handling agility or steering precision. For the 2010 TSX with the new V-6 engine, the front suspension has been upgraded with unique front springs and revised dampers. The revised suspension accounts for the increased weight of the 3.5L V-6 engine and generates a level of sporty handling that buyers will expect from the powerful V-6 TSX model. Rear suspension The multi-link rear suspension includes stamped-steel upper A-arms, cast aluminum knuckles, double lower tubular lateral links, tubular steel toe-control links, coil-over dampers and a large stabilizer bar. This system provides outstanding agility and handling, together with a flatter ride and excellent control of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). DUAL-MODE DAMPERS The 2010 TSX features dual-mode dampers. While most conventional dampers are tuned to provide a compromise between ride comfort and sporty handling at different speeds, the TSX8217s dual-mode dampers are engineered to provide ideal damping rates at both low and high speeds. With a typical suspension, damping forces rise with the speed of damper compression, such as occurs when the vehicle encounters road irregularities at high speed. This can cause significant ride harshness and noise that reduces passenger comfort and enjoyment. However, the TSX8217s dual-mode dampers are tuned to provide the ideal damping rates for comfort and smoothness at low speeds of damper compression, while also limiting the maximum damping forces to reduce ride harshness at higher speeds of damper compression. In this way, the TSX provides a wider range of comfortable ride quality and exceptional road holding under a wide variety of driving speeds and conditions. Deflector plate technology Acura8217s dual-mode dampers automatically adjust compression damping characteristics to suit the vehicle speed, cornering forces and road surface. The dampers use a unique quotdeflector plate stackquot that deflects when the compression forces reach a certain level, such as when encountering a large bump or dip in the pavement at high speeds. When these severe forces act on an ordinary damper, oil cannot move quickly enough through the damping orifices and the effective damping rate climbs, resulting in an excessive shock transmitted into the vehicle body. With the TSX8217s dual-mode dampers, when severe conditions are encountered, the plate stack deflects, allowing oil to pass through at a much higher rate and in essence quotcappingquot the damping rate at a preset level. Allowing an increased flow rate in extreme situations noticeably reduces the shock transmitted into the vehicle body while enhancing handling stability and road holding. Deflection of the plate stack is carefully calibrated and controlled by spring pressure force on the plate stack. The simplicity of the dual-mode damper system also means that no electronics or movable valves are required. ELECTRIC POWER STEERING (EPS) The TSX uses Electric Power Steering (EPS) which regulates steering via a computer-actuated electric motor. The computer-controlled EPS, advanced algorithms built into the operating software allow fine-tuning of the required steering forces so that minimal force is required at low speeds - such as when parking or maneuvering. Progressively higher steering effort is needed at higher speeds - such as when driving on the freeway. The EPS system found in the TSX is an evolution of an earlier EPS system found on the Acura NSX supercar. Its key features and advantages include: The TSX8217s EPS system reduces the steering effort at low speeds, improving agility and ease of effort. Rigidity of the steering mount is higher, which allows a much more precise and quotconnectedquot feeling during high-speed maneuvers such as lane changes or winding mountain roads. The steering assist is programmed via computer algorithms according to vehicle speed rather than engine speed, allowing designers the flexibility of tailoring the steering feel to match driving conditions, especially high-speed driving. The steering boost algorithms are minutely altered for every 1 kmh (0.6 mph) change in vehicle speed. EPS employs a sporty, 13.5:1 steering ratio which further improves driving agility. In its evolution from the original NSX system, the TSX8217s EPS system uses a significantly more powerful electric motor teamed with a more sophisticated microprocessor. By eliminating the conventional power steering pump, EPS uses less engine power, benefiting acceleration and fuel economy. 4-WHEEL DISC BRAKES WITH ABS The 2010 Acura TSX features 4-wheel disc brakes. The front rotors measure 11.8 inches in diameter and are made of cast iron with radial vents for excellent heat dissipation and wear properties. At 11.1 inches diameter, the rear rotors provide enhanced braking capability during repeated use. Floating-style single-piston cast-iron brake calipers are used front and rear. For the TSX V-6, special rear brake pads are used. In addition, the V-6 model makes use of a larger brake master cylinder, a revised pedal ratio and a new brake booster to deliver a more performance minded braking feel. A sophisticated 4-channel Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is standard and works in concert with the vehicle8217s Traction Control System (TCS), Brake Assist, and Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) systems for an outstanding array of electronic dynamic aids. WHEELS AND TIRES The 2010 TSX comes standard with 17x7.5-inch five-spoke aluminum alloy wheels and Michelin Pilot HX MXM4 P22550R17 93V all-season tires developed specifically for the vehicle. For TSX V-6 models, the wheels are upgraded to 18x8-inches in size and are fit with performance minded Michelin Pilot HX MXM4 P23545R18 94V tires. All TSX wheels have a clear-coat aluminum finish designed to compliment the exterior color choices. Located under the trunk floor panel is a T13580D16 temporary spare tire mounted on a 16x4-inch steel wheel. Dynamic testing and final chassis tuning for the new TSX was conducted both in Japan and America. The TSX was specifically tuned for the best combination of agility and handling needed in an urban environment and at higher speeds. The Los Angeles area, with its huge variety of road surfaces, freeways and topography, proved invaluable in chassis tuning the chassis achieve a balanced overall package. Also invaluable was a quotmini-Nurburgringquot test course built in Japan especially to replicate some of the most demanding elements of the famed German racetrack. The 2010 Acura TSX provides an extremely high level of standard safety equipment. Key safety technologies include the Advanced Compatibility Engineeringtrade (ACEtrade) body structure, a total of six airbags, and the first use of active front head restraints on the TSX model. In addition, due to its heavier weight (versus the four-cylinder model), the 2010 TSX V-6 features a special polypropylene foam box added to the front bumper beam to provide enhanced energy absorption during a frontal impact. In 2009, Acura became the first and only automobile nameplate to earn the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) prestigious TOP SAFETY PICK rating for every vehicle in its entire line-up. To accomplish this safety milestone, all 2009 Acura luxury sedans and SUVs received the highest possible rating in each IIHS crash test and feature the Acura Vehicle Stability Assisttrade (VSAreg) electronic stability control system as standard equipment. The IIHS top crash safety ratings are a direct result of Acura8217s quotSafety Through Innovationquot initiative that is based on the brand8217s commitment to leadership in safety. The initiative8217s goal is for all Acura models to provide a high level of occupant protection along with injury mitigation to pedestrians, as well as increased crash compatibility with other vehicles, regardless of size or price. Advanced safety technology Advanced Compatibility Engineeringtrade (ACEtrade) enhances frontal collision energy management through a network of load-bearing front frame structures that increase the likelihood of two vehicles properly connecting during a collision ndash important if the vehicles are of different sizes with different bumper heights. As a result, the TSX8217s ACEtrade body structure maximizes the effectiveness of the front crumple zones as well as dispersing energy through more load-bearing channels before it reaches the passenger area. All Acura models feature the ACEtrade body structure. Inside, the TSX incorporates dual-chamber front-seat side airbags with front passenger-side Occupant Position Detection System (OPDS) and active head restraints for the front seats that are designed to reduce the likelihood of neck injury in the event of a rear collision. These features compliment a 4-channel Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) with Brake Assist, front seatbelts with automatic tensioning system and load limiters, dual-stagemultiple-threshold front airbags, side curtain airbags for all outboard seating positions and an advanced pedestrian injury mitigation design for the hood, hood hinges and windshield wiper mounts. Daytime running lights (DRL) and driver and front passenger seatbelt reminders are also standard. Standard safety features include: Active Safety Systems 4-wheel disc Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) with Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist Vehicle Stability Assisttrade (VSAreg) with traction control (Electronic Stability Control) Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Passive Safety Systems ACEtrade body structure 3-point seatbelts for all seating positions Front seatbelt load limiters with automatic tensioning system Dual-stage, dual-threshold front airbags New dual-chamber front seat side airbags Side curtain airbags for all onboard seating positions New active front head restraints Head restraints for all seating positions Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH) child car-seat attachment system located in the rear seat ADVANCED COMPATIBILITY ENGINEERINGtrade (ACEtrade) BODY STRUCTURE A major safety technology found on the Acura TSX is the Advanced Compatibility Engineeringtrade (ACEtrade) body structure. ACEtrade makes the TSX highly effective at absorbing energy during a frontal crash while also helping to minimize the potential for quotunder-ridequot or quotover-ridequot situations that may occur during head-on or offset frontal impacts with significantly larger or smaller vehicles with different bumper heights. Created using a sophisticated computer-assisted design (CAD) process, the ACEtrade body structure is actually a network of integrated load-bearing elements that help attenuate impact forces by more evenly distributing them across a larger area at the front of the vehicle. Most conventional frame designs direct frontal crash energy to the lower load-bearing structures at the front of the vehicle. Instead, the TSXrsquos ACEtrade body structure channels frontal crash energy to both upper and lower structural areas, including the floor frame rails, side sills and A-pillars. These specially engineered energy quotpathwaysquot help distribute frontal impact forces around the passenger compartment and through a greater percentage of the vehicle8217s total structure. In doing so, ACEtrade helps limit cabin deformation for improved occupant protection. Inside frame rails Longitudinal frame rails are positioned above the floor panel rather than below it, both for aerodynamic improvements and to better withstand severe side impacts. COLLISION STANDARDS The 2010 TSX achieves 5-Star ratings in all of the NHTSA governmental NCAP and SINCAP crash tests. In addition, the TSX earns quotGOODquot ratings (the top rating) in all of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) tests including: Frontal Offset, SICE and Headrest tests. Combined with the standard Vehicle Stability Assisttrade electronic stability control system, the TSX also receives the IIHS8217s TOP SAFETY PICK rating. Government star ratings are part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration8217s (NHTSA8217s) New Car Assessment Program (safercar. gov ). Model tested with standard side-impact air bags (SABs). FMVSS 301 offset rear collision The Acura TSX meets the stringent FMVSS 301 regulation for offset rear collisions, a much more severe standard than previously used. In the new FMVSS 301 test, a 2,992 lb 1,360 kg (1,360 kg) deformable barrier strikes 70-percent of the vehicle8217s width at 50 mph. In contrast, the previous FMVSS 301 used a 3,991 lb (1,814 kg) flat rigid barrier that struck the full width of the vehicle at 30 mph. The new standard requires more body energy absorption than before VEHICLE STABILITY ASSISTtrade (VSAreg) WITH TRACTION CONTROL AND BRAKE ASSIST Vehicle Stability Assisttrade (VSAreg) is an electronic stability control system that works together with the TSX8217s Drive-by-Wiretrade throttle system and 4-channel ABS system. Its purpose is to enhance overall controllability when the driver accelerates, brakes or turns suddenly. VSAreg functions by independently applying brake force to one or more wheels, while also managing the throttle, ignition and fuel systems to help the vehicle maintain the driver8217s intended path of travel. In operation, VSAreg continually analyzes data from seven sensors that monitor wheel and vehicle speed, steering input, lateral G forces and yaw rate, while also comparing the driver8217s control inputs with the vehicle8217s actual response. Whenever the vehicle8217s actual response is outside of a predetermined acceptable range, VSAreg intervenes with a corrective action. For example, if VSAreg detects an oversteer condition (where the rear of the vehicle starts to swing wide in a corner), the system may automatically apply braking force to the outside front and rear wheels to counteract this unintended yaw motion. In the event of understeer (where the front of the vehicle quotpushesquot toward the outside of a turn), VSAreg may apply braking to the inside front and rear wheels while reducing engine power to help return the vehicle to its intended course. As an added benefit for performance-oriented TSX customers, VSAreg also provides a limited-slip differential effect for the front wheels by applying braking force to a slipping wheel, thereby directing the driving force to the wheel with more traction. Brake Assist Another key VSAreg function is Brake Assist, which recognizes emergency braking situations and almost instantly applies added braking force to help the driver. This feature is controlled by a special logic in the system that determines when the brake pedal stroke and speed exceed a typical range ndash as they would during emergency braking. The VSAreg modulator pump automatically increases braking pressure to ensure maximum stopping force, an action that helps shorten braking distance. VSAreg is calibrated to function seamlessly, and in many cases a driver will not be aware of its operation. However, anytime the system is enhancing vehicle stability, an indicator light flashes on the instrument panel. While the driver can deactivate the VSAreg stability enhancement and traction-control functions via a switch on the instrument panel, ABS remains fully operational at all times. 4-CHANNEL ABS WITH ELECTRONIC BRAKE DISTRIBUTION The TSX is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). The 4-channel4-sensor ABS system also incorporates Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) circuitry that automatically proportions force based on the braking force needed by each wheel. DUAL-STAGE, DUAL-THRESHOLD FRONT AIRBAGS Both the TSX driver and front passenger are protected by advanced front airbags that incorporate dual-stage and multiple-threshold activation technology. In the event of an airbag deployment, these two features work together to help minimize the likelihood of injuries that could sometimes be caused by the airbags themselves. In doing so, Acura8217s sophisticated dual-stage, multiple-threshold system matches the airbag deployment rate to both the speed and severity of a crash. The control logic also takes several other factors into consideration, including the seating position of the driver, the weight of the front passenger, as well as whether the seat belts are in use. For instance, during a lower-speed collision or if the seat is too close to the steering wheel, the inflators in the driver8217s frontal airbag will activate sequentially (instead of simultaneously) to help reduce the initial deployment force. In a high-speed collision or if the seat is positioned farther back, both airbag igniters are triggered simultaneously for rapid inflation. The TSX8217s passenger-side frontal airbag is designed to operate in a similar manner, however a sensor under the passenger seat calculates whether the weight on the lower cushion meets a minimum value specified by NHTSA. If it doesn8217t, such as in the event a child is occupying the seat, the airbag is deactivated ndash and a light on the instrument panel indicates such a condition. The driver8217s front airbag is located in the steering wheel while the front passenger airbag is located on the top of the dashboard. When deployed, the passenger airbag inflates upward and then rearward to maximize its protective potential while reducing the likelihood of injuries being caused by the activation process. DUAL-CHAMBER FRONT-SEAT SIDE AIRBAGS The TSX has front-seat side airbags featuring a dual-chamber design that enhances protection for the torso and pelvis in the event of a severe side impact. Replacing the previous single-chamber airbags, the dual-chamber units have a larger upper chamber that provides improved protection for the chest area, as well as a smaller lower chamber that protects the lower-backhip area. A single inflator unit fills both airbag chambers. Dual-chamber airbags are significantly more effective in helping minimize potential injuries caused by impacts from larger vehicles, such as a side impact involving a truck. SIDE-CURTAIN AIRBAGS Full side-curtain airbags provide head protection for occupants of both the front and outboard rear seats. The airbag modules are mounted in the roof and are activated by a central sensor and sensors in the side of the TSX that-depending on crash severity - determine the most appropriate timing and deployment rates in side or other impacts depending on severity. FRONT SEATBELTS WITH PRETENSIONERS AND LOAD LIMITERS Front seatbelts The TSX front seatbelts are equipped with an automatic tensioning system and load limiters to help minimize injury potential in a frontal collision. If an impact occurs, the automatic tensioning system automatically tightens the front seatbelt to help hold the occupant firmly in position. Each front seatbelt retractor also incorporates a load limiter that works in conjunction with the automatic tensioning system. The load limiter permits a small amount of controlled seatbelt slack momentarily after the automatic tensioning system is activated to limit peak restraining forces, helping to reduce the potential of serious bodily injury. The TSX8217s front seatbelts also feature adjustable height shoulder anchors. Rear seatbelts Three-point seatbelts are standard in all three rear-seating positions. HEAD RESTRAINTS Active front head restraints The TSX front seats feature active head restraints designed to help minimize the risk of neck injuries in the event of a rear impact. In a rear impact, the driver and front passenger8217s bodies are pushed against the seatback, causing the head restraints to move forward in a carefully prescribed arc. This action helps equalize the forces transmitted to the head, neck and spine throughout the collision, a critical factor in helping to minimize potential injuries. Adjustable rear head restraints The Acura TSX8217s rear seat features individually adjustable head restraints for all three passengers. LOWER ANCHORS AND TETHERS FOR CHILDREN (LATCH) Both outboard rear seating positions are fitted with Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH) as standard equipment. The LATCH system provides a simple and secure method of installing up to two compatible child safety seats in the outboard seating positions. TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS) An integrated Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) alerts the TSX driver whenever the air pressure in one or more of the vehicle8217s tires decrease significantly below the recommended pressure level. Using four sensors (one in each tire), TPMS monitors and transmits information regarding tire air pressure to the TSX8217s MID system. When the pressure in one or more tires drops to a significantly low level, it causes a low tire pressure indicator in the instrument cluster to illuminate. PEDESTRIAN INJURY MITIGATION Although there are no official standards for pedestrian injury mitigation in the event a vehicle collides with a pedestrian, the TSX has adopted several innovative safety features to help mitigate pedestrian injury. These features include a deformable hood panel ndash positioned high enough above the engine and other under-hood components to have space to deform ndash as well as deformable hood hinges and movable windshield-wiper pivots. These components help dissipate collision forces in the event of contact with a pedestrian, thereby helping to reduce the likelihood, and potential severity, of pedestrian injuries caused by the vehicle-pedestrian contact. ANTI-THEFT FEATURES The TSX offers a wide array of security features including an electronic engine immobilizer to help thwart would-be thieves. Security is also advanced by the use of reinforced door lock cylinders to help deter break-ins along with protectors for the hood and trunk locks. 9 comments:

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